Chapter 1: Drude Model¶
Drude model considers electrons small solid particles traveling through lattices as a stationary array of heavier and bigger atoms. The model use "mean free time" as a measure of the frequency an electron gets scattered. This jupyter notebook makes use of this concept and uses stochastic method to simulate electrons traveling through a 2D material of finite width but infinite length.¶
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%matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as ipw
from numpy import random
from ipywidgets import interact
from matplotlib import animation
from IPython.display import HTML
First we setup the simulation parameters such as the external electric field, number of electrons (default to 1) as well as the pseudo-time steps to take. Also, we define the various physical constants such as elementary electron charge, (bare) electron mass, and mean free time ($\tau$). For the simplicity of simulation, we also define a constant called $V_0$ as an average restarting velocity after a collison.¶
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e = -1.602E-19; # Electron charge (C)
m = 9.109E-31; # (Bare) electron mass (kg)
v0 = 1; # Average restarting velocity (m/s)
steps = 1000; # number of updates to simulate
Now we setup up cases for easy switching in between with the cases corresponding to:¶
1. Only Electric field with short mean free time.
2. Duplicate of case 1 as a playground allowing adjustment to the variables.
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# Set time step
global Ey,delta_T
delta_T = 1E-12; # time step in seconds
case = 1;
if case == 1:
num = 1; # number of electrons to simulate
tau = 5; # Mean free time (ps)
Ex = 0; # X component of the external electric field (V/m)
Ey = 0; # Y component of the external electric field (V/m)
Bz = 0; # Z component of the external magnetic field (T)
yBnd = 3*num*5E-11; # physical boundry of the conductor in y direction
elif case == 2:
num = 1; # number of electrons to simulate
tau = 15; # Mean free time (ps)
Ex = -0.2; # X component of the external electric field (V/m)
Ey = 0; # Y component of the external electric field (V/m)
Bz = 0; # Z component of the external magnetic field (T)
yBnd = 3*num*5E-11; # physical boundry of the conductor in y direction
else: # Default setting
num = 1; # number of electrons to simulate
tau = 10; # Mean free time (ps)
Ex = -0.2; # X component of the external electric field (V/m)
Ey = 0; # Y component of the external electric field (V/m)
Bz = 1; # Z component of the external magnetic field (T)
yBnd = 3*num*5E-11; # physical boundry of the conductor in y direction
Next, base on the choice of the scenario, we initiate some containers to store variables in the simulation¶
In [4]:
global x, y, vxt, ayt
x = np.zeros(num);
x = np.expand_dims(x,axis=0);
y = random.rand(num)*yBnd-yBnd/2;
y = np.expand_dims(y,axis=0);
vx = np.ones(num); # Initial velocity in x direction
vy = np.ones(num); # Initial velocity in y direction
vxt = vx; # Instantaneous velocity in x-direction
vxt = np.expand_dims(vxt,axis=0);
axt = np.zeros(num); # Acceleration in x-direction
axt = np.expand_dims(axt,axis=0);
ayt = np.zeros(num); # Acceleration in y-direction
ayt = np.expand_dims(ayt,axis=0);
colors = []; # Color assignment to trace different electrons
for i in range(num):
colors.append('#%06X' % random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF))
Next we create the figure objects, and the function to call between each frame for simulation of each time step. In each step, we compute and plot the average velocity in x direction over the steps simulated so far on top of the instantaneous velocities. This mean velocity in x direction eventually should converges to a called drift velocity, which is an indirect measure of the conductivity/resistivity of materiasl in Drude model¶
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# Create figure objects
figs = plt.figure();
ax1 = plt.subplot(1,7,(1,3));
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 4];
init, = ax1.plot([],[],'ok', markersize = 5, zorder = 10);
end = ax1.scatter(x[0,:],y[0,:], c = colors[:], s = 30, marker = 'o', zorder = 10);
ax1.axhline(y = -yBnd, color = 'k');
ax1.axhline(y = yBnd, color = 'k');
ax3 = plt.subplot(1,7,(5,7))
# Set the electrical field in x direction
def set_field(E):
global Ex
Ex = -E; # X component of the external electric field (V/m)
# Set the mean free time
def set_time(T):
global tau
tau = T; # mean free time tau (ps)
# Initialize the frame
def initf():
return init,
# Implement pause on click
anim_running = True
def onClick(event):
global anim_running
if anim_running:
anim_running = False
anim_running = True
# Animation function which updates figure data. This is called sequentially
def update(step,vx,vy,v0):
global Ex,Ey,x,y,vxt,axt,delta_T,tau
newX = np.zeros(num);
newY = np.zeros(num);
newVt = np.zeros(num);
ax = np.zeros(num);
ay = np.zeros(num);
for nn in range(num):
vx_old = vx[nn]; # Use a temporary variable to store the previous value
vy_old = vy[nn]; # Use a temporary variable to store the previous value
vx[nn] = vx[nn] + e*(Ex - Bz*vy_old)*delta_T/m; # Update the velocity
vy[nn] = vy[nn] + e*(Ey + Bz*vx_old)*delta_T/m; # Update the velocity
ax[nn] = (Ex + Bz*vy_old)*e/m; # acceleration in x-direction
#ay[nn] = (Ey + Bz*vx_old)*e/m; # acceleration in y-direction
newX[nn] = x[step-1][nn] + vx[nn]*delta_T; # Update the coordinate
newY[nn] = y[step-1][nn] + vy[nn]*delta_T; # Update the coordinate
if(random.rand() < 1/tau):
theta = random.rand()*2*np.pi; # pick a random angle in 2D
vec = random.rand()*v0;
vx[nn] = np.cos(theta)*vec;
vy[nn] = np.sin(theta)*vec;
# Restrict movements of the electrons in y-direction by a hard and elastic physical boundary
if(newY[nn] > yBnd):
newY[nn] = yBnd;
vy[nn] = -np.absolute(vy[nn]);
elif(newY[nn] < -yBnd):
newY[nn] = -yBnd;
vy[nn] = np.absolute(vy[nn]);
# newVt[nn] = np.linalg.norm([vx[nn],vy[nn]]);
x = np.concatenate((x, newX[None,:]), axis=0); # Append the new coordinate
y = np.concatenate((y, newY[None,:]), axis=0); # Append the new coordinate
vxt = np.vstack([vxt,vx]); # Append the average of x-velocity of the current step
axt = np.vstack([axt,ax]); # Append the average of x-acceleration of the current step
#ayt = np.vstack([ayt,ay]); # Append the average of y-acceleration of the current step
for ii in range(num):
# ax1.plot(x[len(x)-1,ii], y[len(y)-1,ii], '.', markersize = 3, color = colors[ii], zorder = 0);
# ax3.plot([xx*delta_T for xx in range(step+1)], vxt[:,ii], color = colors[ii], zorder = 0);
ax1.plot(x[len(x)-1,ii], y[len(y)-1,ii], '.', markersize = 3, color = colors[ii], zorder = 0);
ax3.plot([xx*delta_T for xx in range(step+1)], vxt[:,ii], color = colors[ii], zorder = 0);
ax3.plot(step*delta_T,np.mean(vxt),'.',markersize = 6,color = 'k', zorder = 10);
lgd = np.append(['Vx']*num,'mean(Vx)');
ax3.legend(lgd,loc='upper right');
return end
# Call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
figs.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onClick)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(figs, update, init_func=initf, fargs = (vx,vy,v0), frames=range(1,steps+1), interval=100, blit = True, repeat = False)
interact(set_field, E=ipw.FloatSlider(min=0, max=6, step=0.1, value=-Ex, description = 'E-Field (x)'));
interact(set_time, T=ipw.FloatSlider(min=5, max=500, step=5, value=tau, description = 'MFT (tau)'));
interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=0.0, description='E-Field (x)', max=6.0), Output()), _dom_classes=('wi…
interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=5.0, description='MFT (tau)', max=500.0, min=5.0, step=5.0), Output())…
Note: Clicking on figures allows to pause/unpause the simulation¶
Now as an exercise, you may try to investigate the dependence of the mean velocity on the applied electric field and/or the mean free time tau.¶
You could also find values in real materials for "Mean Free Time" and appropriate time step to run simulate again and see if you could find the right "Average Velocity" for electrons traveling in these materials.¶
Thank you for using the notebook, please provide us with some feedbacks at your convenience by emailing to (, (¶
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