import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as widgets
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from ipywidgets import interact, fixed
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from textwrap import dedent
from import push_notebook, show, output_notebook, output_file, curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
from bokeh.themes import built_in_themes
from bokeh.models import Range1d, BasicTickFormatter, Label, Legend
from IPython.display import IFrame
# plot bokeh in notebook format
curdoc().theme = 'dark_minimal'
Inhomogeneous Semiconductors (Chapter 7)¶
The notebook at hand will lead you through some important concepts about an inhomogeneous semiconductor (pn-junction). The model look at take here is simply the conjunction of two homogeneous semiconductors with a variable doping concentration. The doping concentration is constant at Nd for $x<0$, Na for $x>0$ and it changes aprubtly at $x=0$.
# define constants
kB = 1.380649e-23 # J/K
hbar = 6.626e-34 / (2*np.pi) # J*s
e = 1.60217733e-19 # C
m0 = 9.109383e-31 # kg
T = 300 # K
epsilon0 = 8.854187e-12 # F/m
kBeV = kB/e
Nmin = 1e16; Nmax = 1e18 # cm^-3
# define semiconductor properties
semiconductorList = ['Si', 'Ge','GaAs']
Eg_ = np.array([1.11, 0.66, 1.43]) # Bandgap / eV
me_ = np.array([1.09, 0.55, 0.067]) # average effective electron mass
mh_ = np.array([1.15, 0.37, 0.45]) # average effective hole mass
epsilonR_ = np.array([11.9, 16.2, 13.1]) # relative permittivity
Since there are several parameters associated to a pn junction let us define a pn object to pass around all of them in a comprehensible fashion.
class pn(object):
# The class "constructor" - It's actually an initializer
def __init__(self, semiconductor = 'Si'):
self.semiconductor = semiconductor
self.nd = 4e17 = 5e17
# change pn junction type and get associated parameters
def set_semiconductor(self, semiconductor):
i = semiconductorList.index(semiconductor),,, self.epsilon = Eg_[i], me_[i]*m0, mh_[i]*m0, epsilonR_[i]*epsilon0
return "Bandgap: {} eV".format(
# set p & n doping
def set_doping(self, Nd, Na):
self.nd = Nd = Na
# calculate pn-junction properties depending on bandgap and doping
def get_properties(self): = 1/4* ( 2**kB*T / (np.pi*hbar**2) )**(3/2) *1e-6 # cm^-3
self.nv = 1/4* ( 2**kB*T / (np.pi*hbar**2) )**(3/2) *1e-6 # cm^-3 = (*self.nv)**(1/2) * np.exp( / (2*kBeV*T))
self.e_Delta_phi = ( + kBeV*T*np.log(self.nd* / (*self.nv)) )
# equation for dn, dn length
def dnp(doping = 'n'):
if doping == 'n': exponent = 1;
elif doping == 'p': exponent = -1;
# factor 1e6 for cm^-3, 1e10 for Angstrom
return ( (**exponent / (( *1e6) * 2
* self.epsilon * self.e_Delta_phi / e )**(1/2) * 1e10
self.dn = dnp(doping = 'n')
self.dp = dnp(doping = 'p')
return (self.dp, self.dn,, self.nd)
# print calculated pn-junction properties
def print_properties(self):
str ='''
Intrinsic carrier density: \t {:.1e} cm^-3
Potential difference: \t\t {:.2f} eV
Space charge in p, n: \t\t {:.0f} Å, {:.0f} Å
'''.format(, self.e_Delta_phi, self.dp, self.dn)
return print(dedent(str))
# calculate carrier density
def carrier_density(self, x):
return np.piecewise(x, [x < -self.dp, ((-self.dp <= x) & (x < 0)), ((0 <= x) & (x <= self.dn)), self.dn < x],
[, 0, 0, self.nd])
# calculate charge density
def charge_density(self, x):
return np.piecewise(x, [x < -self.dp, ((-self.dp <= x) & (x < 0)), ((0 <= x) & (x <= self.dn)), self.dn < x],
[0,, self.nd, 0])
# calculate potential / Ascroft & Mermin p596-597
def phi1(self, x):
return (2*np.pi*e **1e6 / self.epsilon) * (((x + self.dp)/1e10)**2 - (self.dp/1e10)**2)
def phi2(self, x):
return (2*np.pi*e * self.nd*1e6 / self.epsilon) * ((self.dn/1e10)**2 - ((x - self.dn)/1e10)**2)
def potential(self, x):
return np.piecewise(x, [x < -self.dp, ((-self.dp <= x) & (x < 0)), ((0 <= x) & (x <= self.dn)), self.dn < x],
[self.phi1(x = -self.dp), self.phi1, self.phi2, self.phi2(x = self.dn)]) / self.epsilon*epsilon0 # <- why?
# calculate potential with applied voltage / Ascroft & Mermin p598
def potential_v(self, x, v):
phi = self.potential(x)
dPhi = phi[-1]-phi[0]
a = np.abs(1 - v/dPhi)**(1/2)
phi = self.potential(x / a)
phi = phi * (1 - v/dPhi)
return phi
# calculate current / Ascroft & Mermin p600
def current(self, v):
Jgen = np.exp(-self.e_Delta_phi)
j = e * Jgen * (np.exp(e*v / (kB*T)) - 1)
return j
# create pn-junction object
pn1 = pn()
Here we define a user interface to chose the semiconductor you would like to work with as well as the doping concentrations Nd, Na. We will use this shortly.
# get parameters for selected semiconductor
def f(pnx, semiconductor, Nd, Na):
a = pnx.set_semiconductor(semiconductor)
str ='''
Bandgap:\t\t\t\t{} eV
Density of donor impurities: \t\t{:1.1e} cm^-3
Density of acceptor impurities: \t{:1.1e} cm^-3\
'''.format(, pnx.nd,
return pnx
# create widget object for user interaction
w1 = widgets.Dropdown(description = "Select semiconductor:",
options = semiconductorList,
style = {'description_width': 'initial'})
kwargs = {'min': np.log10(Nmin), 'max': np.log10(Nmax), 'continuous_update': False,
'step': .02, 'readout': False, 'style': {'description_width': 'initial'}}
w2 = widgets.FloatLogSlider(description = "$N_d$", value=pn1.nd , **kwargs)
w3 = widgets.FloatLogSlider(description = "$N_a$", , **kwargs)
ui = widgets.VBox([w1,w2,w3])
out = widgets.interactive_output(f, {'pnx': fixed(pn1), 'semiconductor': w1, 'Nd': w2, 'Na': w3})
# show widget
display(ui, out)
VBox(children=(Dropdown(description='Select semiconductor:', options=('Si', 'Ge', 'GaAs'), style=DescriptionSt…
Intrinsic carrier density¶
Recall that the effective density of states is given by the following equation (7.17)
$$ N_{c}(T)=\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{2 m_{c} k_{B} T}{\pi \hbar^{2}}\right)^{3 / 2} \qquad P_{v}(T)=\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{2 m_{v} k_{B} T}{\pi \hbar^{2}}\right)^{3 / 2} $$
and we can then deduce the intrinsic carrier density from the law of mass action as (7.19)
$$ n_{i}(T)=[N(T) P(T)]^{1 / 2} \exp \left(-\frac{E_{g}}{2 k_{B} T}\right) $$
Within our approximation of the charge density being non-zero only inside the depletion region delimited by $d_n$, $d_p$, we found that those widths can be calculated by
$$ d_{n, p}=\left\{\frac{\left(N_{a} / N_{d}\right)^{\pm 1}}{\left(N_{d}+N_{a}\right)} \frac{\epsilon \Delta \phi}{2 \pi e}\right\}^{1 / 2} $$
# print the calculated properties
Intrinsic carrier density: 1.4e+10 cm^-3 Potential difference: 0.89 eV Space charge in p, n: 323 Å, 404 Å
# define 1D axis along pn-junction
a = 1.5; N = 2**9+ 1
dp, dn, na, nd = pn1.get_properties()
xMax = np.maximum(dn, dp)*a
x = np.linspace(-xMax,xMax, N)
# plot carrier & charge densities, potential
def plot_analytic(pnx, x):
# create the plots
kwarsFig = {'width':800, 'height': 200}
s1 = figure(title = 'Carrier density',y_range=(0, Nmax), **kwarsFig)
s1.toolbar.autohide = True
s1.yaxis.axis_label = 'cm^-3'
s1.yaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(precision = 0)
kwarsLabel = {'y': 6e17, 'text_font_style': 'bold', 'text_align': 'center', 'text_color': '#226baa'}
s1.add_layout(Label(text = "p-type", x = -300, **kwarsLabel))
s1.add_layout(Label(text = "n-type", x = 300, **kwarsLabel))
r1 = s1.line(x, pnx.carrier_density(x),line_width = 3)
s2 = figure(title = 'Charge density',y_range=(-Nmax, Nmax), **kwarsFig)
s2.toolbar.autohide = True
s2.yaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(precision = 0)
r2 = s2.line(x, pnx.charge_density(x),line_width = 3)
s2.yaxis.axis_label = 'cm^-3'
s3 = figure(title = 'Potential',y_range=(-1.1, 1.1), **kwarsFig)
s3.toolbar.autohide = True
r3 = s3.line(x, pnx.potential(x),line_width = 3)
s3.xaxis.axis_label = 'x [Å]'
s3.yaxis.axis_label = 'V'
s = [s1,s2,s3]; r = [r1,r2,r3]
for sx in s:
sx.x_range = Range1d(-xMax, xMax)
return s, r
def plot_update(pnx, r, x, handle):
r[0]['y'] = pnx.carrier_density(x)
r[1]['y'] = pnx.charge_density(x)
r[2]['y'] = pnx.potential(x)
# show plots
s, r = plot_analytic(pn1, x)
handle1 = show(column(s), notebook_handle=True);
plot_update(pn1, r,x, handle1)
In the above plots we see that the carrier density is essentially zero in the depletion region ($-d_p<x<d_n$) since those carriers diffused into the other region to form free charges. While doing so they build up a potential that then induceds a drift current in the oposite direction. The densities we see here are found when the equilibrium between the diffusion and drift current established and they therefore cancel each other out. Now, what happens when we adjust the doping concentrations on either side?
# define 1D axis along pn-junction
N = 2**9+ 1
dp, dn, na, nd = pn1.get_properties()
xMax = 1500
x = np.linspace(-xMax,xMax, N)
# show plots
s, r= plot_analytic(pn1, x)
handle2 = show(column(s), notebook_handle=True)
plot_update(pn1, r, x, handle2)
# now let us change this diagramm interactively
def f2(semiconductor, Nd, Na, pnx = pn1, x = x, r = r, handle = handle2):
f(pnx, semiconductor, Nd, Na)
plot_update(pnx, r, x, handle)
out = widgets.interactive_output(f2, {'semiconductor': w1, 'Nd': w2, 'Na': w3})
display(ui, out)
VBox(children=(Dropdown(description='Select semiconductor:', options=('Si', 'Ge', 'GaAs'), style=DescriptionSt…
Here you have the unique chance of continuously adjusting your pn-junction (iterate samples in the cleanroom takes a lot longer :P). Now what can we see here?
- One thing to notice is that the area underneath the charge density in $x<0$ is equal to the are in $x>0$ corresponding to the fact that the excess of positive chage on the n-side of the junction is equal to the excess of negative charge on the p-side ($N_{d} d_{n}=N_{a} d_{p}$).
- Furthermore the potential difference is given by $e \Delta \phi=E_{g}+k_{B} T \ln \left[\frac{N_{d} N_{a}}{N_{c} P_{v}}\right]$. It thus depends linearly on $E_g$ and only logarithmically on $N_d \& N_a$.
Hint: check this with Si at $N_d = N_a = 10^{18} cm^{-3}$ where $V(\infty)\approx 0.5V$ vs $N_d = N_a \sim 4*10^{16} cm^{-3}$ where $ V(\infty) < 0.5V$.
# define semiconductor for comparison
pn3 = pn()
pn3.set_doping(Na = 0.2e18, Nd = 0.3e18)
dp, dn, na, nd = pn3.get_properties()
# define 1D axis along pn-junction
a = 1.5; N = 2**9+ 1
xMax = np.maximum(dn, dp)*a
x = np.linspace(-xMax,xMax, N)
v = np.linspace(-1,1.2, 100)
current = pn3.current(v)
Irange = [-.3, np.max(current)]
# plot carrier & charge densities, potential
def plot_analytic3(pnx, x):
# create the plots
kwarsFig = {'width':500, 'height': 500}
s1 = figure(title = 'Potential',y_range=(-1.1, 1.1), **kwarsFig)
s1.add_layout(Legend(location ='top_left'))
s1.toolbar.autohide = True
s1.xaxis.axis_label = 'x [Å]'
s1.yaxis.axis_label = 'V'
kwarsLabel = {'y': 6e17, 'text_font_style': 'bold', 'text_align': 'center', 'text_color': '#226baa'}
s1.add_layout(Label(text = "p-type", x = -300, **kwarsLabel))
s1.add_layout(Label(text = "n-type", x = 300, **kwarsLabel))
s1.x_range = Range1d(-xMax, xMax)
r1 = s1.line(x, pnx.potential(x),line_width = 3, legend_label = "with externally applied voltage")
r12 = s1.line(x, pnx.potential(x),line_color="orange", line_alpha=0.8, legend_label = "in thermal equilibrium")
s2 = figure(title = 'I vs. V', **kwarsFig)
s2.add_layout(Legend(location ='top_left'))
s2.yaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(precision = 3)
r2 = s2.line(v, pnx.current(v), line_width = 3, legend_label = "I-V characteristic")
r22 = s2.line([0,0], Irange, line_color = 'sandybrown', legend_label = "cursor: applied voltage ")
s2.x_range = Range1d(v[0], v[-1])
s2.y_range = Range1d(Irange[0],Irange[1])
s2.yaxis.axis_label = 'I [A]'
s2.xaxis.axis_label = 'V'
s = [s1,s2]; r = [r1,r2,r22]
return s, r
# show plots
s, r = plot_analytic3(pn1, x)
handle3 = show(row(s), notebook_handle=True);
old_range = 1
def plot_update3(pnx, v_applied, iv_range, r = r, x = x, v = v, handle = handle3, s2 = s[1]):
r[0]['y'] = pnx.potential_v(x, v_applied)
r[1]['y'] = pnx.current(v)
r[2]['x'] = [v_applied,v_applied]
r[2]['y'] = Irange
global old_range
if old_range != iv_range:
if iv_range == 1:
s2.x_range.start, s2.x_range.end = v[0], v[-1]
s2.y_range.start, s2.y_range.end = Irange[0], Irange[1]
s2.x_range.start, s2.x_range.end = -.3, .07
s2.y_range.start, s2.y_range.end = -1e-19, 5e-19
old_range = iv_range
push_notebook(handle = handle)
# get parameters for selected semiconductor
def f3(pnx, v_applied, iv_range, r = r, x = x):
plot_update3(pnx, v_applied, iv_range)
print("Current: {:.1e} a.u.".format(pnx.current(v_applied)))
return pnx
# create widget object for user interaction
kwargs = {'min': -1, 'max': 1.2, 'continuous_update': True,
'step': .01, 'style': {'description_width': 'initial'}}
w31 = widgets.Dropdown(description = "Select IV range:",
options = {'full': 1, 'origin': 2},
style = {'description_width': 'initial'})
w32 = widgets.FloatSlider(description = "$V$", value=0.1 , **kwargs)
ui3 = widgets.VBox([w31, w32])
out3 = widgets.interactive_output(f3, {'pnx': fixed(pn1), 'v_applied': w32, 'iv_range':w31})
display(ui3, out3)
VBox(children=(Dropdown(description='Select IV range:', options={'full': 1, 'origin': 2}, style=DescriptionSty…
Now we adjust the voltage that is applied to the pn-junction (in forward direction). In the above plots we see on the right side again the potential along the axis of the junction and on the left side its I-V characteristic. We can remark the following points:
- Without any externally applied voltage (V = 0) the potential is unaltered from what we calculatd above.
- When we increase the voltage the potential barrier from the p to the n side decreases linearely until $\Delta\Phi$ is reached and the potential is esentially zero along the pn-junction (in this case $\Delta\Phi = 0.94 V$). Further increase of the applied voltage reverses the potential from a barrier to a slope.
- Furthermore the width of the depletion region changes with the applied voltage. Remark that the width of the width gets larger when we reverse bias the junction and therefore decreases the chance of tunneling charge carriers through the barrier.
- The I-V curve shows the exponential growth of the current with the applied voltage. Notice that in the reverse bias setting there is a residual current which corresponds to the generated carriers $J^{gen}_h + J^{gen}_e$ and does not have a depencence on the applied voltage. In fact, $J_{h}^{gen} \propto e^{-e (\Delta \phi)_{0} / k_{B} T}$ corresponds to the carriers with sufficient thermal energy to surmount the potential barrier.
- At $V = 0$ in the IV plot the current is zero, corresponding to the cancelation of the recombination current with the generation current $J^{rec} = J^{gen}$.
- The current is given by $j=e\left(J_{h}^{\text {gen }}+J_{e}^{\text {gen }}\right)\left(e^{e V / k_{B} T}-1\right)$.
Many thanks for going through this notebook. :)
Please forward any comments, suggestions or thank-you notes below and have a nice day!
IFrame("", 600, 621)