Showing 81 - 90 of 510 results
Plaque à induction
- Course Basic
- Category Electric power
- Difficulty Training
- QuestionConceptual analysis
- CollectionC. Galland
- Magnetic field
- Magnetic induction
- Joule heating
Charges et champ
- Course Basic
- Category Electric charges and fields
- Difficulty Exam
- QuestionAlgebric calculation
- CollectionC. Galland
- Electric charge
- Electric field
- Course Basic
- Category Color
- Difficulty Training
- QuestionConceptual analysis
- CollectionC. Galland
- Diffraction
- Wave interference
- Refraction
- Reflection (physics)
atmosphère exponenentielle - bis
- Course Basic
- Category First law
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionAlgebric calculation - Numerical application
- CollectionC. Galland
- Adiabatic process
- Molar mass
- Perfect gas
- Internal energy
- Gas
Processus non-quasi-statique et entropie
- Course Basic
- Category First law
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionAlgebric calculation - Numerical application
- CollectionC. Galland
- Entropy
- Second law of thermodynamics
- First law of thermodynamics
- Quasistatic process
Expansion libre
- Course Basic
- Category Second law - Entropy
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionAlgebric calculation
- CollectionC. Galland
- Entropy
- Ideal gas law
- Internal energy
- Joule expansion
Valse à trois temps
- Course Basic
- Category Heat engines
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionQuiz
- CollectionC. Galland
- Ideal gas
- First law of thermodynamics
- Internal energy
- Thermodynamic cycle
- Pressure–volume diagram
Quel chauffage choisir
- Course Basic
- Category Heat engines
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionAlgebric calculation - Numerical application
- CollectionC. Galland
- Coefficient of performance
- Thermal efficiency
Chaud dessous
- Course Basic
- Category Statistical physics
- Difficulty Standard
- QuestionAlgebric calculation
- CollectionC. Galland
- Energy
- Heat capacity
- Internal energy
- Degree of Freedom
Efficacité idéale du moteur à essence
- Course Basic
- Category Heat engines
- Difficulty Challenge
- QuestionAlgebric calculation - Numerical application
- CollectionC. Galland
- Adiabatic process
- Otto cycle
- First law of thermodynamics
- Thermal efficiency
- Carnot cycle