Showing 11 - 20 of 45
Collision élastique de deux disques
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseGeneral physics: mechanics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language Français
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates an interactive simulation of the elastic collision of two disks. It allows manipulation of initial conditions and visualizes the collision dynamics, complete with animations and kinetic energy changes.
- Elastic Collision
- Collision
Mouvement harmonique
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseGeneral physics: mechanics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language Français
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates harmonic motion through interactive plots of position, velocity, and acceleration. It allows users to adjust parameters like mass, spring constant, and initial position to observe the effects on motion dynamics.
- Simple harmonic motion
- Oscillator
Basic band structure calculation using the tight-binding approximation for a 1D periodic chain with two sites per unit cell
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook provides a basic example of band structure calculation for a one-dimensional periodic chain of atoms with two sites per unit cell, using the tight-binding approximation.
- electronic band structure
- 1D periodic chain
- Hamiltonian
- Tight-binding model
- brillouin zone
Le système de Ptolémée
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseGeneral physics: mechanics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language Français
- DescriptionThis Jupyter notebook demonstrates the Ptolemaic geocentric system by visualizing the motion of celestial bodies through dynamic animations, using key parameters like orbit radii and angular velocities.
- Ptolemaic System
- Celestial Mechanics
- Geocentric Model
Tracé des surfaces S(U,V) et U(S,V) pour GP et vdW
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseThermodynamics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates the plotting of surfaces for Van der Waals and perfect gas equations of state, illustrating concepts like critical points and concave/convex functions.
- Perfect Gas
- Critical Point
- Surfaces
- Van Der Waals equation
- Concave function
- Convex function
Programme permettant de simuler un gaz parfait 2D avec des particules dans une boite
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseThermodynamics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook simulates a 2D perfect gas with particles in a box, demonstrating velocity distribution equilibration over time. It uses animations to illustrate particle interactions and thermalization.
- Perfect Gas
- Particle in a box
- Velocity
- Thermalization
- Elastic Collision
Ewald Sphere
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseTransmission electron microscopy
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook provides an interactive exploration of the Ewald sphere, focusing on electron diffraction conditions in a crystal lattice using interactive visualizations.
- Ewald Sphere
- Diffraction
- Bragg's law
- Reciprocal lattice
Phase Contrast Transfer Function
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseTransmission electron microscopy
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates how to plot the phase contrast transfer function by accounting for defocus, spherical aberration, and astigmatism, using interactive visualizations with Python widgets.
- Contrast transfer function
- Transfer function
- Optical aberration
- Defocus
- Astigmatism
Drude Model
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseTransmission electron microscopy
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook focuses on the Drude model through the dielectric and loss functions. You can work with parameters in order to watch the modifications in such functions.
- Dielectric loss
- Loss function
- Drude model
Calculation and plotting of some important quantities relative to the electron's properties in a conventional TEM
- Professor Cécile Hebert
- CourseTransmission electron microscopy
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThe notebook explores the electron's properties in a conventional TEM by calculating and plotting wavelengths and velocities at different acceleration voltages.
- Electron
- Transmission electron microscopy
- Wavelength
- Velocity