Showing 31 - 40 of 45
Density of States in Magnetic Fields Using Landau Levels
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook illustrates the concept of Landau levels by examining the density of states in magnetic fields. It includes a method for computing the density of states at various external fields, allowing visualization of the de Haas-van Alphen effect.
- landau levels
- Cyclotron motion
- uniform magnetic field
- landau quantization
- De Haas–Van Alphen effect
Introduction to Reciprocal Lattices with Periodic Boundary Conditions.
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook introduces the concept of lattice structures with periodic boundary conditions, specifically the Born-von Karman boundary condition. It explains the transformation from real lattice vectors to reciprocal lattice vectors in two dimensions.
- translational symmetry
- electron diffraction
- x-ray
- direct lattice
- reciprocal space
Tight-Binding Approximation for 2D Lattices: Square, Triangular, Lieb, and Honeycomb
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates the tight-binding approximation applied to four common two-dimensional (2D) lattice structures: square, triangular, Lieb, and honeycomb lattices. Through detailed calculations, it examines the electronic band structures of each lattice, highlighting key differences in their dispersion relations and energy bands.
- tight-binding approximation
- Lattice (group)
- square lattice
- triangular lattice
- lieb lattice
- honeycomb lattice
Density of States in 2D Systems
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook illustrates the evolution of the density of states in two-dimensional systems by analyzing all allowed states in an electron shell between consecutive kx values. It includes graphs depicting electron energy dispersion, allowed k states for a specific k shell, and the corresponding density of states.
- condensed matter physics
- Units of energy
- Fermi Energy
- electron density
- Two-dimensional space
Band Structure Investigation of Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene Using the Tight Binding Model
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook explores the band structure of monolayer and bilayer graphene using the tight binding model. It provides an overview of the hexagonal lattice structure of monolayer graphene and the interactions between its carbon atoms. The notebook discusses the construction of the Hamiltonian matrix based on nearest neighbor interactions and aims to solve the tight binding problem to understand the electronic properties of graphene.
- Graphene
- bilayer graphene
- honeycomb lattice
- hamiltonian matrix
Basic Example of Anderson Localization in a 1D System
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook presents a simple example of Anderson localization in a one-dimensional system, using a chain of atoms with periodic boundary conditions. It demonstrates how disorder, introduced through random on-site potentials, affects the system's eigenstates.
- Anderson localization
- Scattering
- disordered medium
- Wave interference
Interactive Wave Visualization: Transverse and Longitudinal Modes.
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook provides an interactive platform for visualizing transverse and longitudinal wave modes. Users can explore the characteristics of these wave types through dynamic simulations.
- compression waves
- wave propagation
- pressure waves
- l-waves
- electromagnetic waves
Estimation of Electron Density and Mean Free Time for Transparent Conductors
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language English
- DescriptionThe purpose of this notebook is to estimate the values of electron density and mean free time for materials suitable for use as transparent conductors. The focus is on determining the order of magnitude for these two parameters.
- transparent conductor
- mean free time
- electron density
- electrical conductivity
Constructing Brillouin Zones of the 2D Square Lattice
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Exercise worksheets
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook demonstrates the construction of the first three Brillouin zones for a two-dimensional square lattice. It includes the Wigner-Seitz cell for the first Brillouin zone and explains how subsequent zones are defined by Bragg planes relative to the origin. The construction extends to the third Brillouin zone by considering third-nearest neighbors.
- brillouin zone
- Reciprocal lattice
- Wigner–Seitz cell
- primitive cell
Understanding Bloch's Theorem and Electron Wavefunctions in Solids
- Professor Oleg Yazyev
- CourseSolid State Physics
- Kernel Python3
- Type Interactive textbook
- Language English
- DescriptionThis notebook applies Bloch's theorem to explain how electron behavior in a crystal is influenced by a periodic external potential. It walks through the process of partitioning the electron wavefunction, solving the Schrödinger-like equation for the periodic component, and visualizing the probability distribution and external potential using numerical methods.
- bloch theorem
- plane waves
- periodic function
- electrons in crystalline solids
- wave function